It might sound odd to some, but you need to read books to write books--and not just to check out the competition. When I first became serious about this, deciding that I could indeed get published (I haven't yet, but I'm hoping!), I did as much research as I could. Research, to me, is the best way to arm yourself against the unknown.
One of the single most helpful books that I've found is the Writer's Market. It's basically a step-by-step guide that teaches you what not to do, how to avoid pissing off agents and publishers, and it has a nice, fat section devoted entirely to which publishers publish what types of books and how to go about finding out more.
I think I love that book a little. And it smells good.
Having that book makes me feel a bit more like I'm in control of my destiny. I know what to do now. The journey to get there is going to be interesting, but I have the manual. What makes you feel armed and ready for battle?
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago