I haven't posted here in... a very long time.
Because I'm afraid of turning this into a huge-ass rant, maybe. Because I don't know where I'm going with my life, maybe.
Then again, I'm going places fairly fast, lately.
I've gone to California, alone. I've finished my book, and am now sending query letters to agents. And now...
Now I have a chance to go on a school trip to Ireland for a month. I'll be learning about their culture and the way that their psychiatric care works, as well as about their judicial and government systems. I've never left the United States before except for brief trips to Canada, and it's always been my dream to go to Ireland.
The problem? Cash.
I can pay for it with student loans - if I take out $5,000 more, which is halfway to unfeasible. That doesn't cover the plane ticket to the departure location, personal food expenses, and any other expenses I may have (phone cards, for instance). Therefore...
My shameless Paypal button.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago