One of the most important things that I've found that helps me as a writer is to have someone that supports me in what I'm doing. I never before understood the meaning of ACTUAL constructive criticism until recently. Before, criticism always felt like a beat-down, with much more criticism and much less on the constructive side of things. I've noticed that most writers have fairly fragile egos about this type of thing.
After all, it's very hard to get past the demons in your head that scream "You aren't good enough to get published! Who are you kidding? Do you think your name is J.R.R. Tolkien?" The side seems to argue with another side that snidely comments, "Even if you do get published, do you really think anybody's going to read it? It's going to end up at the $0.50 bin at the back of a bookstore and nobody will ever see what you put your work into. You'll get a $0.01 royalty check and your career as a writer will be over."
With friends like that, who needs enemies? The reason that most writers have such issues with criticism is because they're generating enough of that on their own. Criticism isn't nearly as important as being constructive and supportive to yourself and to your writer! My boyfriend recently begun reading what I'm working on, and every time he does so, he exclaims over what he loves, and only then will he say something like "You know, I'm really wondering what this person feels at this moment," or "It would be pretty cool if you went back and added ____ to this particular scene." In no way does he make me feel bad for what I've done or what I haven't done - he simply gives me his input on what could be better.
I think that's what constructive criticism and supporting your writer is all about. Who supports you in your writing endeavors?
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
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